Your account notification preferences determine where and from whom you receive messages.

Update Notification Settings

Step 1: Go to the account settings tab of  your user dashboard and log in.
Step 2: Check or uncheck boxes under Notification Settings.

For example, if you check the box with your phone number next to an organization but do not check the box with your email address, you will receive text messages from that organization but not emails.

You can also add or remove an email address for any profile if you don't see the right email address on this page. You can only receive text messages at the mobile phone number on your account settings page.

Unsubscribe from Messages

To unsubscribe from emails or texts for an organization, uncheck the boxes with your email address or phone number next to that organization under notification settings in your account settings. Uncheck all the boxes to unsubscribe from all direct messages.

If you would also like to stop receiving team RSVP notifications, click on your team under the SE Bar to update your notifications. 

For more info check out this article.